On the average, many people say boys cheat more than girls do. Well I am not in the right position to say that is true or not.

But then I have the perception that it is not in all cases that the guy or lady cheating on the other means there is no love. Do not kill me just yet, I am entitled to an opinion which is exactly what this is. 

Nevertheless, I am here to tell you some reasons why guys cheat, it is only fair since I have written on why girls do. 

No need for a long introduction right? So let’s delve right into it.

1. Distance is a huge factor in a relationship. I personally feel a lady can withstand a long distance relationship more than a guy. If the two of them stay apart for too long, the guy has a close female friend or gets one then the likelihood that things will get complicated is definitely high. I think that if the cause of the distance is tangible or significant or temporary then it should be extensively discussed which will give both of you an opportunity to agree on means and ways of making it have a lesser impact on the relationship.

2. If the boy feels he is not getting or actually does not get a substantial amount of attention from his girlfriend meanwhile she is giving attention to other guys and to make matters worse there is a girl who is always there for him, he might cheat with her. This can make him feel like you do not have an interest in him or there isn’t any exclusivity to the relationship that you both are in.

3. If he stops feeling the love, maybe because you guys argue too much or you just do not vibe anymore, well he is bound to cheat on you. Someone will ask why they do not properly end it with her first, sincerely I do not know. Maybe they want to check if things with you will get better after they cheat, that is, the feeling of loss of love is temporal or they want to know if things with you are better than with others, after all, the devil you know is better than the angel you do not know.

4. The issue of bad relationship experiences from the past is applicable to both parties as you can tell. It does not make it right though. If you were cheated on or things did not go well at all, it doesn’t mean you should do same in the next relationship though it might be the reason why you will be hesitant to settle down or be committed to one person completely. If you are not ready, then do not enter into another relationship.

5. No desire to settle down. We all know how love can make us do things we never thought we would so I personally think that even if you are not ready to settle down with one lady or/and for life, as long as you truly love her you should consider it. In some very rare cases, people do not change in this regard and because he knows how girls love commitment, he will get on with someone else to deter you or make him feel he is less committed as he wants. 

NB: None of these make cheating right, we just want to make an attempt to understand guys. Understanding them means that the solving of issues gets better.

Thank You for Reading & All the Best!!!


  1. I thought the points from last time were for both guys and girls, I think these are applicable to both though.

  2. Both are applicable to both just that some are more tuned to a particular gender.


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