There are quite a number of difficult decisions that students make throughout their education. I mean I am not saying it is not comparable to that of adults but a lot of the decisions we make as students can be life changing and due to lack of experience in some parts, we rely heavily on advice; be it from parents, teachers/lecturers, friends, class mates, etc.

I am certain that most adults get to a certain point in their lives where they wish they had made a different decision concerning an issue or two during their school days. The latter part of our high school days and the entirety of our tertiary school days is where we mostly have to make some pretty solid judgements. The education system (especially in Ghana) is systematic, expensive and extremely theoretical, so try and error is not an option else you will go to school your whole life or you will have to settle for a job you do not have passion for. I do not like both options.

There are five issues that I want to highlight on due to experience. I will say there have been ups & downs and wrongs & rights but life is not meant to be easy because when it becomes stress-free then something is definitely in the wrong. Trust me on that. 

So, what are these five issues? Are they really dilemma-like? 

They might not be problems at all or some will & others will not for all students because we are not the same but they are definitely matters demanding deliberation whether long/short or simple/complex.

1. Course Choice & Profession Choice

The biggest decision here because it makes everything easier. In a country where if you even want to be in the entertainment industry you have to go to school to the basic highest level else no matter how rich or successful you become people will still look down on you just because your education ended at junior or senior high or lower has forced many people to complete their education no matter how old or celebrated they are. It is a different case when they are doing it for self-actualization though. This problem is not dominant in primary or junior high but the same cannot be said for senior high and university/college. When you take some courses in senior high you cannot branch to certain courses in university/college. In the rare cases, you have to have an extremely and I mean extremely perfect result or grade. When you even select the main course, you still have the issue of choosing a good elective and all that jazz. 

Fortunately, and unfortunately, some companies do not employ people based on their courses or grades but how they fare in an aptitude test and/or during an interview. It is good since some people were meant to do practical work instead of theory based work just as due to certain situations some people could not excel in the field they picked. On the other hand, I want to study something I actually sincerely like, I do not want to work in an industry that I cannot excel in and I do not want to have many regrets. It is very likely (over 80%) that I will not further my studies in accounting after studying it for seven years but as to whether there might be a need to practice it, I cannot tell. This decision is based on the fact that it is not where my heart lies nor do I believe I was meant to impact the world through it.

2. Grade Improvement & Acceptance

This is somewhat related to the first point. I believe if you study a subject you have an interest in then learning will be appealing to you and your grades will not suffer. An individual with a bad grade or less than average GPA does not always mean he/she is lazy or lacks intellectual power. He/she could be learning & attending classes but finds it near impossible to retain the information because he is studying what he/she should not. A person like this cannot improve his/her grades. When you find yourself in this very ill-fated situation, accepting your grades can be difficult. It is like you cannot believe you had a C instead of B+ for a subject you know you put a lot of effort in. So then you ask yourself the question; what will my grade be for those subjects I know I performed badly in (during exams, test or/and assignments)? Time will tell.

3. Student Finances

Who wants to create holes in the pockets of their parents? Who wants to complete school (tertiary school) and still be heavily dependent on their parents (especially when your current job does not pay well)? Who wants to stress out their single parent financially? Who does not want to have some sort of financial worth & freedom at a relatively young age? I am guessing no one? Well I have an entire blog post on student finances stressing upon what I personally do and have researched on when it comes to money, savings and investments so do check it out.

4. School & Work

Due to financial limitations and work experience required by most companies when looking for a job after school, many students work (official/unofficial) when in school. I am positive it will get to an era where it will be rare to get a student who is not working alongside. Nonetheless, it is challenging to combine work with school without neglecting one or the other. Sadly, many ignore their education and you may ask why. They think that if they put their all in the work they are doing then no matter their grades they will be employed after school. Well that is for those going to school just to get a job to do after I guess. Others do so because they enjoy the work than schooling but can you blame them when their jobs as models/disc jockeys/actresses/musicians/MCs/ushers allow them to meet many influential people who they befriend and get help from.

5. School & Social Life

This has to do with a bit of a stigma especially when you were a bookworm but sadly you are not as successful as people thought you will be just because you did not have fun when they were. How do you ensure that you have an exciting social life and excel academically? Is it necessary to do so? How do you experience what life has to offer and learn from it? People will ask you what you did in school that is for sure. Some employers look out for individuals who engaged in extracurricular activities not necessary jobs to prove their leadership abilities. By social life, I do not mean partying, dressing anyhow, dating every girl/boy on campus & beyond, having all the latest gadgets or a car, being in the most expensive hostel. I mean those are there for those who cannot go to school without doing those but there are other activities you can engage in. My mum always says at least she was in the choir. There is that, sports, debate clubs, drama clubs, church, school representative council, junior common room and so on. It can also be challenging to combine the two but they are sometimes more understanding that one is a student and therefore accommodative. 

Student life is not as stress-free as it used to be but we will pull through. Taking it easy and ensuring that you do not waste time reminiscing about a mistake or doing unnecessary things can be beneficial. If you cannot work whiles in school, then do not do it just because you friend is doing it and looks like he/she is making use of his/her life or he/she is meeting people or enjoying benefits (cash or/and kind). If you are not the partying type, then do not follow your roommates to a drink up or a club just because you want to be accepted.  All these activities come with sacrifices you might not be ready for or willing to do. Do not copy blindly (e.g. taking up a course because your friend is doing that) because you might regret it and after all you will lose contact with a lot of your ‘friends’ after school. Do what you can and complete your education in peace unless you have passion for something or find it absolutely necessary then stay away. Just do not give yourself unnecessary headache. Simple as that. This blog post was inspired by a friend who wrote about life as a B.Sc. Psychology student. This is the link so check it out if you are interested. Thank you Basti for the inspiration.

Thank You for Reading & All the Best!!!


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