
Recently, there has been a lot of noise about planning in terms of its vitality to bring about success but we still find time management to be a problem. Why is that?

Well, it is simply because planning goes hand-in-hand with other activities or practices therefore we need to adopt those as well.

When we plan, what exactly do we do to ensure its efficiency? What exactly is our method of execution?

Do we prioritize? Do we seek for information? Do we try our hardest to avoid laziness and procrastination? 

But before that, what comes into mind when we think about managing our time? 
What exactly do we do when we plan? How thorough is it?

It is common knowledge that we all have 24 hours but we all do not bewield our time wisely though majority of us want to avoid tardiness. 

It should be that we want to control the time we spend on various activities and succeed in doing so; that is the concept of management.

As I said earlier, there many practices that complement planning but I will just stress on a few.


1. Long-standing visualisation

Simply put, think of the future and not just tomorrow in its literal meaning but further ahead. Therefore, you plan not only for the short term but middle and long term as well. It is subjective though. Just today I was talking with a friend who said to her 5 years is long term but then that is my short term. It is not that much applicable in this situation because making specific goals for 10 years’ time will likely need a lot of corrections because we cannot control nature and fate. 

2. Avoid stalling

Do not drag your feet when you have to do something unless it is unlawful or/and immoral. If you have to work on an assignment, then work on it that evening and not the morning of the deadline day. You have to write a report for your superior, start NOW and not the next morning. Though you have long term visions and plans, surprises come up and you have to be prepared because some are a onetime thing. Do it and take your mind of it. 

3. Lessen disruptions

Well this is kind of self-explanatory. How relevant is it though? Let us analyse this example. You have scheduled a one-hour meeting but you keep entertaining your secretary concerning issues that are not emergent. Your meeting will drag on meaning lesser time to do other planned and necessary things just as you might make mistakes in your haste to get things done. Your study time should not mix with your checking on social media time. You also must be emphatic, if you are in a meeting or gathering or anything occasion where your time is subjected to another’s control then you should be confident enough but not forceful to make them aware that your time is limited. It is also necessary and slightly easier when you are in control of the time.


4. Encourage Decentralization 

This is very practical in situations where you are of higher authority and a lot of your activities might clash if care is not taken. With this you have the opportunity to focus on more critical and delicate issues. Appointing your subordinates to do things for you, attend meetings on your behalf and the like. 

5. Rank Activities 

This has to with priorities so I will refer you to a previous blog post on that. Make sure you read it since it gives a lot of insight. 

6. Practice Real communication

Will you prepare to attend a program when there is no confirmation about it happening? It is one of the best ways to seriously avoid time wastage on your side and whoever you are associated with. Seek for information when you do not have it and give out information when it is necessary. Communicate properly; it should be relevant, reliable, timely and effective.  Say what must be said when it has to be said!

Many of you might think that some of these things fall under planning but that is where the problem lies. A generalised plan will not work as successfully as a fully detailed one. I did not talk about them much though because they are mostly self-explanatory so I am just throwing some light on them so that you can think deeply and draw conclusion on their distinct significance. You also have to plan specifics and not just general activities because sometimes the eating, bathing and chatting with bae time takes way longer than it should. Let us face it!

A lot of things go into success (which if you follow me you know I am all about) which makes it takes time and conscious effort. The fact that you are working with your talent does not mean excellence is assured. 

If you do one thing but refuse to do another, your achievements might not be the way you desire. 


Thank You for Reading & Work Hard without Ceasing!!!


  1. Love how practical and relatable this is. This is certainly going to help. Thanks for the insight 😊

  2. Glad I'm achieving my aim. Always welcome though 😳

  3. I feel like the fourth point is really one of my problems as someone who is of the mindset that "if you want something done well do it yourself"

    1. That is where you have to deal with people whose judgement you trust. Sometimes they see what you could not.


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